Thursday, February 8, 2018

Steps on how to use oil pastels

This post will teach you on how to use oil pastels. Based on the article I've read, there are 7 steps on how to use it properly. So i would like to share it also to you guys so that it will helps you to understand what are the fundamentals of using this art materials.

1. Choose a subject to draw and how large you want it to be. You should start with an easy subject like a dog, a house, or a lake if you're a beginner. If you're up for a challenge, you might want to choose something harder, like a person or landscape.

2. Once you have chosen a subject, get out some paper to draw on. Depending on the size you want your drawing to be, choose a paper size that will fit your subject without leaving too much or too little space.
  • After you finished that, try thinking what hue or texture you want the paper to be. This is optional, but good artists can use different paper hues and textures to create different effects for their drawings.

  • Also, note the thickness of the paper. A fairly thick kind of paper is recommended because you would need to press down a lot when drawing with oil pastels so thinner papers may rip under the force. There are many kinds of paper, so try choosing a kind that works best for your goals.
3. Take two sheets of the paper you have chosen: one for testing on, the other for the actual composition. On the testing sheet, draw something smallish. Don't draw too many details, this is only for testing. It will help you get used to the feel of the paper and the pastels before you start your actual artwork.

4. Lightly sketch an outline of the subject on the main paper with a pencil so that you can erase the lines if you made a mistake. Don't worry about the details yet. The details aren't so important at the moment, however, later they will make the drawing more beautiful! So try adding little details later!

5. Add colors to your drawing with your oil pastels. Plan out your color schemes and which areas you would want to blend colors. Start out by coloring the drawing roughly, and adding more details as you go along.

6. Add more layers of colors to blend them together. Also, try blending them with your finger or an artist's tool to move the oil pastels around the drawing. Using your finger is the recommended method.

7. Have fun. Drawing with oil pastels may be hard, but you can have fun too! Don't think that if you failed you will never be able to make art. Remember that this was still your first attempt and that everyone needs practice to do something well.

Have a good day!

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